Bare Hill Review

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

We are currently open for submissions from February 2 - April 5

General Submission Guidelines:

  1. We accept simultaneous submissions. Please use the notes to let us know if your work has been accepted elsewhere. 
  2. Please wait at least 4 months before querying about the status of a submission.
  3. Submit only once during a submission period. 
  4. We do not accept any work that has been previously published. 
  5. All rights remain with the contributor, but we ask you to acknowledge Bare Hill Review as the first publisher.
  6. Please include a brief third person bio in your cover letter.


Please submit up to THREE poems in a single file. 


Please submit ONE fiction piece that is up to 5000 words. 

Creative Nonfiction:

Please submit ONE creative nonfiction piece that is up to 5000 words. 


Please submit up to 5 pieces of your artwork using any of the following formats: jpg, .tiff, .png, and .pdf.