We are open for submissions for Volume 2 of the Bare Hill Review from February 3 - March 31, 2025

General Submission Guidelines:

  1. We accept simultaneous submissions. Please use the notes to let us know if your work has been accepted elsewhere. 
  2. Please wait at least 4 months before querying about the status of a submission.
  3. Submit only once during a submission period. 
  4. We do not accept any work that has been previously published. 
  5. All rights remain with the contributor, but we ask you to acknowledge Bare Hill Review as the first publisher.
  6. Please include a brief third person bio in your cover letter.


Please submit up to THREE poems in a single file. 


Please submit ONE fiction piece that is up to 5000 words. 

Creative Nonfiction:

Please submit ONE creative nonfiction piece that is up to 5000 words. 


Please submit up to 5 pieces of your artwork using any of the following formats: jpg, .tiff, .png, and .pdf.

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Submission guidelines:

  • THREE poems per submission, maximum of ONE submission per person.
  • All submissions need to be uploaded as a single document.
  • Please include your name and the title of the piece as you would like it to appear, a valid and up-to-date email address, and a brief bio of less than 100 words.
  • We would also appreciate if you let us know how you heard about us.
  • We ask that if your poem is selected for publication elsewhere, that you notify us. Please use the notes section to let us know.
  • We reserve the right to absolutely fall head over heels in love with your words.

Best of luck and thank you for taking the time to share your work with us!


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Submission guidelines:

  • ONE fiction piece of 5, 000 words or less per submission; ONE submission max per person.
  • Please clearly indicate your name and the title of the piece as you would like it to appear, a brief author bio of less than 100 words, and a valid and up-to-date email address.
  • We would also appreciate if you let us know how you heard about us
  • We ask that if any of the pieces you submit are accepted for publication elsewhere, you kindly withdraw it from our submissions list.
  • We reserve the right to be awestruck by the power of your pen.

May the muses be with you. 

We are looking for narratives that make us say...man, I wish I wrote that. We accept any and all well-crafted non-fiction pieces including memoir, profiles, biographies, personal essays, literary criticism, and narratives weighing in on contemporary issues. Our publication does not endorse any political agenda or worldview, and we welcome multiple perspectives from our students, faculty, and community.

Submission guidelines:

  • ONE creative nonfiction piece of 5,000 words or less per submission; ONE submission max per person
  • Please clearly indicate your name and the title of the piece as you would like it to appear, a brief author bio of less than 100 words, a valid and up-to-date email address.
  • We would also appreciate you letting us know how you heard about us. 
  • We ask that if any of the pieces you submit are accepted for publication elsewhere, you kindly withdraw it from our submissions list.
  • We reserve the right to lose ourselves in the magic of a story well told. 

May the muses be with you. 

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Be it artwork or photography, help us see the world in a way we haven't before. 

Submission guidelines:

  • jpeg format
  • ONE photograph or piece of art per submission; FIVE submissions maximum per person
  • As high of a resolution as possible
  • If your artwork is a piece which cannot be submitted electronically (i.e. an oil painting or sculpture), we ask that you provide a high-quality print or photo. We do not accept "snap shots," "selfies," or scans of your work. 
  • Please clearly indicate your name and the title of the piece as you would like it to appear, a brief author bio of less than 100 words, and a valid and up-to-date email address.
  • We would also appreciate you letting us know how you heard about us. 
  • We ask that if any of the pieces you submit are accepted for publication elsewhere, you kindly withdraw it from our submissions list.
  • We reserve the right to respond to uniquely created visual stimuli with intense emotion, morbid curiosity, and incessant rambling.

Show us what art shows you.